Tuesday, February 02, 2010

There Are Rules

Let's blow the dust off this here space, shall we? Proxy dodginess makes for infrequent posting it seems.

There are rules in life that we shouldn't need to be told about. We learn them from experience or common sense. If you spill the jar of candies, you deny it was you. Even if you're sitting in the middle of the confectionery catastrophe with broken shards of candy jar in your hand.

You don't tell your mom you were "playing doctor" with the girl next door. Although it becomes difficult to lie about when her parents call asking about the sloppy sutures and botched appendectomy.

And for guys, there's one we should all know - you stagger positions at urinals dammit. If there are 5 urinals on the wall, you take 1, 3, and 5. You don't stand next to someone if the ability to put a space between you exists. You don't take 2 or 4 as a first choice because it fucks up the system for everyone else. And you definitely don't compliment the guy next to you on his watch.


lightning36 said...

Your last line REALLY had me laughing out loud ...

Grange95 said...

But what if it's a really blingy Rolex?

KenP said...

Nice watch!

Impressive LITTLE hand!!!

BamBam said...

I've seen a broken rule #3 lead to a broken nose.... twice.

So as you can see, there are consequences for breaking the rules!

Bayne_S said...

why the fuck does my company have 6 urinals in bathroom.

It throws everything off for the 4th guy to enter bathroom.

Dawn Summers said...

You know, I really didn't need to know what goes on with you boys in there.