Wednesday, July 19, 2006

All good things...

I started half an hour late after getting back from dinner with the family. An eventful evening full of allergic reactions to walnut bread and other fun. Luckily, I only missed one set of blinds, and was starting at 1350. I worked up as high as 8th, but ended up dropping.

Finally got knocked out by louddwnunder, when my KQo ran into her AQh with a flop of QxA. I checked, she bet small (600 on a 2100 pot), TripJax folded, and I re-raised all in (M = ~5), and she naturally called. Out I go.

Right now, she's in 5th out of 15, and I'm rooting for her. Gotta support the Canadians, even the ex-pats.


TripJax said...

Good times...glad you stuck around to watch the shenanigans...

Astin said...

Always a good time. Congrats on the win.