Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fast Week

It's Thursday, which means the week is flying by. Good.

Bread turned out pretty well. A bit dense due to 3 rises. Guess I'll have to get some fast-rise yeast to avoid that in the future. I also think the flavour might have been diluted due to the extra liquid from the regular yeast and the extra flour to balance that out. Still, good bread.

Mookie? Out in 10th. Forced to fold TP-Shitkicker an orbit or two earlier for more chips than I'd like. Nailed BuddyDank to double up when T9 vs JJ flopped a straight (AND it won? WTF?). Then went out to TripJax when my AQs went down to his JJ the next hand. Ah well.

That was it for poker last night.

There's a bit of an online jonesin' coming back. I think it has to do with me playing at Stars and needing to clear some points fast to get a bonus I should have had plenty of time to work on. Of course, never playing at Stars hampers that. Having no BR also limits the ability to build points rapidly. Nothing like watching 0.25/0.50 (which is still too large for my BR on Stars) tick by and points crawl up.

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