Monday, December 22, 2008

That Went Quickly

How is it Monday already?? HOW? WHY? WHAT? WHO? WHERE? WHEN? HUH?

I woke up 2 or 3 times this morning in a daze. First I imagined that time didn't quite work the way it really does, but that somehow my clock was synched up with the alarm through some temporal twist of fate. My bed was also 30 miles wide yet I managed to traverse it in less than a second to slam my hand down on the "off" button (snooze is for pussies!). Then I fell asleep again. I had a dream that I was waking up like I usually do (in brief, blinking moments where I stare at the clock and determine how much more time I have), except that my sense of time was distorted and I figured 9:00 was plenty of time for more sleep. In this dream I awoke at 10am, and realized that I was already 30 minutes later than as late as I could be, and panicked. As I ran around in my parent's house in my dream, it never occured to me that I was getting changed in the den. Finally, I woke up in the real world (or is it?) and realized it was, in fact, 8:30am and while later than I'd like, it was not beyond the point of no return.

Yah, it's one of those Mondays.

I spent Friday night at home practicing ye old culinary techniques. I made marshamallows (really Alan, they're quite simple and delicious), which are essentially gelatin, corn syrup, and then more sugar, and a lot of mixing. I made mint chocolate chip cookie dough. I made shortbread and coated pieces of it with hot fudge. I called it a night at 5am (two hours of Prince of Persia were jammed in there too).

I got a phone call at the ungodly hour of 12:30pm that woke me up. I fell back asleep for another hour. I slowly got myself together and then got back to the kitchen. I wanted to make chocolate fudge for a party that night (oh the fudgepacking jokes... okay, one joke, repeated every time anyone discovered the fudge... I wonder how the recently out-of-the-closet gay guy took it... oh, wait, he made it too). The problem was... no marshmallow creme, no milk chocolate. So I made marshmallow creme (waaay more than necessary), and substituted white chocoloate and semi-sweet + sugar for the milk chocolate, and it made it better. I simultaneously made strawberry ice cream, which I added the fudge-covered shortbread to in a (generally successful) attempt to recreate Ben & Jerry's now defunct "Cool Britannia" ice cream for my best friend.

I never got around to the corn flake wreaths, which was the point of making marshmallows the day before.

I was cleaning up as my ride arrived, which was fine, since he was early. We got away to a pretty good birthday dinner and party, where the fudge and shortbread was loved by all. I got home around 3am. I wrapped presents, cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, played some more video games, and got to bed around 6am.

Then my phone rang at the ungodly hour of 1:30pm. I went back to bed, and was up at 4pm. I eventually was in a more human state in time to head out for Sushi down the road in the frigid wind. It's a 5 minute walk that's quite easy in the summer... it's a 4 hour walk through arctic tundra in the winter. The sushi was quite good though. Got back home with my friend, gave her the ice cream, baked up some of that chocolate chip cookie dough (MUCH better than last time), and got my ass kicked in Monopoly. I played some more Prince of Persia and called it a night around 2am... which brings us back to this morning.

I still want to get out after work to pick up a few last presents and cards before getting home and finally making those corn flake wreaths. Tomorrow is pre-Christmas drinks with friends down the hall, Wednesday is a half-day at work before heading to the folks' for Christmas. Thursday is Christmas lunch before coming back downtown for Christmas dinner. Friday is Boxing Day which means hitting the downtown stores for bargain hunting. I love Christmas, but man, can it can be exhausting.

1 comment:

Goatlady said...

You can make marshmallows? Who knew? Your post made me tired.. LOL